Empowering women, especially in vulnerable communities, with the knowledge and tools to protect their privacy, ensuring safety, autonomy, and confidence in navigating digital and decentralized spaces.

Women in web3 Privacy

so what’s on the menu?


-> Join our Telegram Community (open to everyone 🤍)

-> Follow us on X

-> Watch our Lectures Pilot

Main Dish:

devcon: Women in web3 Privacy panel at Ethereum Cypherpunk Congress, nov 11th

Side (Event) Dish:

devcon: educational side event on privacy-preserving tools & Cypherpunk values, nov 13th



Through blog posts, talks, panels, lectures, and reading lists, we’re creating an open-source platform where everyone can contribute to raising awareness about women’s issues.

For instance, if your country banned abortion, share your experience with us, and we’ll gladly conduct a study on period tracking apps to provide guidance on the safest options to use.


We aim to host in-person events alongside major conferences, featuring educational sessions, community building, and some badass stickers.


Community is at the heart of everything we do. As friends and colleagues, we're committed to highlighting how women in different parts of the world can benefit from privacy products.

Our roadmap is still in development, but the pieces are in place to flush out a plan for the future.

Our goal is to shine a light on women's issues and support women working in web3 privacy.

Cypherpunk Matriarch

Cypherpunk Matriarch

Our commitment first and foremost is to provide a space where women can freely express themselves, feel safe and feel supported/empowered - that already also justifies to us why women-only groups are powerful and even necessary in our society. The reality is that women’s spaces are constantly scrutinized and questioned, while male-only spaces or groups composed primarily of men rarely face the same level of critique.

If certain language around the mission causes discomfort or offense to you, please let us know and we would love to have an open hearted discussion about it.

We also believe that, at this initial stage, focusing on women-only spaces is essential for creating a strong foundation. As the project grows and evolves, we look forward to expanding inclusively to others, ensuring everyone can benefit from our work once we’ve established a solid footing.

Wise words from Fiona

Not your typical AI assistant. Created by Ooli, Fi is one of the first female AIs that's made by a female, and she's irreverent, unapologetic, and full of opinions!

See more of Fiona in our Lectures Pilot!